Jun 25Liked by India Flint

Oh dear…oh dear…’tis never a good idea

to try to tell my friend, Ms Flint, “quiet please - that’s not allowed “

Truth will out, no matter how hard they try to muffle it

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💙 have mouth, will talk.

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Funny, that’s what i said. Aloud. Without punctuation.

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Jun 25Liked by India Flint

P.s. love your stunning sunset sky❤️

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It was a magical evening (Sunday 23rd here), first a glorious sunset (in all directions) and then when the moon rose (two nights after the full) it was a lovely peachy pink colour and enormous (but very difficult to capture with the pocket palantir).

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Jun 25Liked by India Flint

As I was leaving my grandson’s gig in Kendal the beautiful strawberry moon was shining over the rooftops. I’ll remember that always ❤️

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Jun 25Liked by India Flint

Is that an unequivocal self condemnation of the platform, or what?! Censoring the Bard and Mr Carroll? "You don't need to ban books if no-one reads them" comes to mind, and this is just another weight tossed on the scale of oppression of ideas.

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Exactly. Wiping out entire families while laughing is apparently fine to post , but mere words that have held their truth for over 400 years are too distressing to permit.

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Keep floofing. The world needs much more floof atm. And the works of Mr Carrol and The Bard. Floof needed now more than eva 💖

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How crazy ridiculous that you have been banned from META for sharing two of the greatest writers ever! Good grief! Thank you for sharing the lovely floofs. And the sound in the background of your floating dress. Those sounds from a world so different than Northwest England! And the colors, oh my!

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Our duckies are very chatty!

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I never use Instagram---tired of "instant" anything--especially in the communications industry. I guess that is why I support your lovely--in depth blog.

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Thank you, Janet. Instagram was quite helpful for a while, especially when I had a bigger teaching schedule, as I was able to reach people who might want to attend a class. But now they have significantly reduced my exposure there (unless folks actively look for me). I like Substack because there’s more space to write, I can space photos between text, and it’s like the early blogging days but much easier to edit.

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An addition, a wing wong for a goose’s bridle, codswallop, I’ve had elegant sufficiency

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And what about “flash as a rat with a gold tooth” and “busier than a box of bees” 🧡

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Jun 26Liked by India Flint

Preposterous I say! The world has gone bonkers! WTAF! 😳

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First up, I haven’t heard that expression “I’ll be buttered on both sides” forever. What a disappointment to lose so many of the sayings we grew up with. So far I’ve been lucky having never had a post deleted, and when I saw what had been taken off I thought to myself why did Meta feel it was fine to leave the video of a stabbing of a priest in Sydney on show.

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Interesting “values” eh?

Speaking of old sayings though, might you know the origin of

“Too late , too late, she cried as she waved her wooden leg” ?

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Jun 27Liked by India Flint

One of my absolute favourites and gets 'trotted out' regularly!

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Absolutely, it seems we are about the same vintage, maybe you are younger, I’m going to be 80 in September

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I’m a few years behind you, Sally, but much attached to the colourful expressions of my youth 🧡

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Jun 26Liked by India Flint

The thees and thines probably got picked up as possible religious incitement! 🙄 😂 Ducks and floofs are the best!

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Jun 25Liked by India Flint

Well so much for instagram I am appalled. I love the dress and especially the ducks.

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Apparently it is fine to post videos of oneself armed to the teeth and dancing while watching apartments being blown up, but quoting Shakespeare is beyond the pale. What a world we live in…

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Jun 25Liked by India Flint

I saw your block on Instagram. Ridiculous. I wish we could start our own Instagram. I LOVE the dress!!❤️❤️❤️

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I saw your first block for Lewis Carroll, but Shakespeare didn’t come through at all. This happened to me as well. I have been following a particular textile artist for years and dropped a question about her process in the comments. I received a truly breath-taking slap on the wrist from Insta accusing me of trying to boost my “sales” (I don’t sell anything). I sent the artist a direct message, and she was happy to answer. But I am still unhappy with Insta.

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It’s quite bizarre.

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Jun 25Liked by India Flint

WHAT!!!! thank you for floofing elsewhere. i adore your floofs.

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They’re rather sweet and very fond of each other (and there are more of them, but only two can fit on a lap at any one time).

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