Lovely to find your ramblings again India. I'll follow your paths here between flowers and compost heaps with pleasure and anticipation!

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Come on in. The bees are buzzing and there is magic in every gleaming puddle

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by India Flint

I have missed the intimacy and exchange of ideas possible in the blog format. IG is wonderful for eye candy and visual inspiration, but the food for thought and deeper dives that comes from conversation is so nourishing. Thanks for dipping your toes into these waters. Soon we will be waist-deep!

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Splash-free swimming , even. Thank you for joining me here

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by India Flint

You know, I’d follow you wherever you happened to land! 😁

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by India Flint

My friend recommended your work to me a week ago...Reading your words and understanding where your sentiments come from makes me feel happy. I love your thought processes and how they ignite and re-wild my own dormant imaginings. Thank you.

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Thank you, Mel. (I thought I’d replied here last night, but whatever I wrote has been lost in the long grass) I’m very happy to have found a place to share my thoughts, and to sow a few seeds….

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by India Flint

I have always enjoyed the writing part of the instagram, so I happy to hear about this move, though it might be hard for me to keep up with. Fortunately i have no fear of missing out and I don’t mind reading on a lag.

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Thank you, it’s lovely to encounter you here

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by India Flint

I've been looking for a place to land and it seems like all the cool kids are gathering here, so I usually don't succumb to peer pressure, but I'm lonely and need a community and a space to share my crone wisdom and wonder. Looking forward to this experiment.

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Thanks for signing on, and crone wisdom always welcome. I love my community at the school, but not everyone is in a position to sign up for a class, and I’m thinking this will be a fine space for a chat over a cup of tea.

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by India Flint

(((India))) you are so good at dancing with the shifting sands of change!

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Shifting sands between wandering tides are a soft place to dance…

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by India Flint

Happy to be here .

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Nov 20, 2022Liked by India Flint

Beautiful, looking forward to this journey.

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May 11, 2023Liked by India Flint

I feel motivated to learn more how to use this way of engagement. I remember when I finish one of my first workshops with you yearning for more or for ongoing connection. This connection beyond 'formal' learning is great. I do not use IG, and facebook is down for me, not fan anymore. I am reading your past post in no particular order. Soon I'll be through all of them. So far so good, liking it all.

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Thank you

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Lovely to "hear your voice" again India, and I look forward to more ramblings. . . . .

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Nov 24, 2022Liked by India Flint

So good to meet up with you here. I have enjoyed several wonderful Armchair travels with you. After resting I will renew my passport and peruse opportunities you offer in the New Year.

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It is great to see you here. I've been exploring other platforms and this is a possibility for my next move as well.

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by India Flint

So happy to find you wandering back into my life again!! Thank you in advance, with expectations over the moon!

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Thank you….I hope I can fly high enough to meet them 😉

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by India Flint

This is a nice place for our visits! I love connecting with fiber loving creators❤️

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Hello India,

Looking forward to spending time with you here amongst the beauty and the "calms" with a lovely cup of tea. I appreciate all that you do. ❤

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Thank you, and welcome aboard

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