Jun 17Liked by India Flint

I like the idea of the combination of names. Tidewandering Journey Woman? Journey Woman Tidewanderer? But to tell you the truth I would be reading whatever you write, following you to where you write, under whatever title. Much love, kindness, and peace to you.

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Thank you!

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Jun 22Liked by India Flint

It just came to me, though a few days after my first comment, that I am grateful to know that when I start writing on Substack that I can change the name for my writing. I've been procrastinating, which I am at times very good at, on starting because I don't know what to call it. I've written for over 17 years in a small local magazine under the title The Salt of the Earth, but I'm not sure it fits comfortably. A name, like your clothes, should fit comfortably enough to have against your being for a very long time. I'll figure it out, but until I do, I have your Tidewanderings to journey with through the ebb and flow of time. Thank you for this comfortable place to read and enjoy.

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And it’s fitting that names, like clothes, can be adapted to suit us better as we grow 🧡

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Jun 17Liked by India Flint

I like journeywoman (though tidewanderings was my favourite so far). And I am glad you didn't choose "Wandergeselle" since I am of the school of using the female form at least when we are talking about females, which would be "Wandergesellin" :) Alternatively there is "Wanderjahre" which describes the time in which a "Geselle" was moving from "Meister" to "Meister" to learn new things. I think this was a wonderful invention to prevent stagnation in a craft back then. (Though not open for women, unfortunately.)

But I love journeywoman. It is much more evocative and I imagine you meandering around and telling us about it.

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Silly me, I completely forgot to adjust the gender! Thank you for the correction.

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Jun 17Liked by India Flint

I like journeywoman. I define journey equal to our daily life. To me life is a journey and I am a woman so journeywoman works for me. I don’t know this for sure, but the definition of journey woman in the dictionary would appear to be written by men. The longer I live the more frustrated I get with how women are described, and in those descriptions placed second to men. Thank you India for your writings.❤️❤️❤️

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The patriarchy has always been concerned that women can not only bleed heavily once a month and keep living, but also produce human beings from their bodies and (mostly) keep living. This is , I think , the reason that so many of them embrace the Abrahamic religion, and think Adam fashioned Eve from one of his ribs. It’s also one of the reasons the number 13 was declared unlucky…there are 13 moon months in a year, and the moon cycle is more or less the cycle of most women …

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Jun 17Liked by India Flint

It is as we say where I come from, ar$e about face! That all embryos start out female resulting in men having nipples, I gather is one of the proofs that men have got it wrong all along. Journeywoman, we are Journeywomen! 🧡💙👏👏

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Jun 17Liked by India Flint

I so want to be this person: “The kind that has made a name for itself by gathering wild roadside weeds armed with the local handbook of proscribed plants (in case of challenges by interfering citizens) and formed them into exquisite arrangements that have grown to be in demand by those aspiring to have their hands joined in wedlock at lavish parties so that now they have a waiting list thirteen months long and have moved from their original side-of-the-market-stall to a sweet little cottage on a cobbled lane with cool rooms discreetly positioned at the back and rear access for their van, a carefully cultivated meadow out the front and side-projects of hand-made inks, hand-balms and wild perfumes distilled from the leftovers of vase-filling that are rapidly overtaking the flower business with products that are much more easily shipped and growing in demand. They are probably thinking about doing a line of ecoprint textiles as well.” Just a delightful description!

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Jun 17Liked by India Flint

I’m not sure the new name entirely does you justice India. Tidewanderings was always my favourite and not sure why it would cause confusion regarding the online course of the same name, but that’s a moot point I guess. Whatever you choose to name your mental meanderings is naturally fine with your followers I’m sure. I am juicily conjuring up an image of the glorious Floribundeum you describe in an area close to my location where I could revel in the sights, smells and delights of such a fabulous establishment! Loving the hat!

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Happily my friend Isobel messaged me as almost soon as I published the post with a brilliant suggestion that combined the two (and I gratefully accepted!)

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Jun 22Liked by India Flint

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who struggles to land on the right name. You however, are much cleverer than I. Where you just change your name, I start whole new projects.

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Oh, there are plenty of UFO’s here , Colleen !

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Jun 22Liked by India Flint

Glad to know I am in such great company then!

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Jun 20Liked by India Flint

I like Journeywoman a lot and it seems to describe you perfectly, whether physically travelling or journeying through your process(es).

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Thank you !

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Jun 20Liked by India Flint

I like Journeywoman a lot ❤️

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Jun 18Liked by India Flint

Once again India, your short missive is a delight to read! Thank you for keeping us so connected via your beautiful, creative wordsmithing! ❣️

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Thank you for your kind words!

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following the journeywoman ........xxx

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I like the new title and loved the German translation as in Swedish a "gesäll" used to be someone learning, being just between the apprentice and the master. I can well see that person working on a day to day basis.. And where I'm journeying with this ramble, I've forgotten!.. Still, I won't "twitch and delete " any time soon!

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What a perfect choice for you and all that you show us. Thank you and the person who commented below for teaching us Wandergesellin and Wandergeselle. I love these.

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Jun 17Liked by India Flint

Love the journey you took us on just in this little missive! 🙏🏼🪷☺️🫶🏼🐬🌻

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a small trail of dried marmalade appeared on the map and I couldn’t help but follow 😉

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Jun 17Liked by India Flint

Perfect evolution.

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I love the new name. I associate you with the word "journey" because of the journey scarf and all the wonderful journeys you take. So its perfect!

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You are not the first nor will you be the last to change the name of their postings. I did that twice before I made the foray into writing on Substack, and even though I am not writing about my travels around the world at the moment, concentrating on my journey through art, I will go back to the travel blog, so I figured “Come Away with Me” could stay, as it aligned with both subjects. Thank you for letting us know anyway.

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