Jun 2Liked by India Flint

I love your wanderings. There is a collapsible dish tub on Amazon that might do the trick for soaking tired feet, or maybe a foot at a time. I wander endlessly around my farm all day and I not only soak my feet because they're tired, but to try to get the dirt off. My feet are alway dirty in the summer, I really don't like to wear shoes and I usually wear hiking sandals if I'm off the farm.

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May 28Liked by India Flint

I once begged use of the mop bucket at a hostel so I could soak my tired and blistered feet. I rinsed it out in the showers several times, filled it with hot water and my favorite foot soak that has boric acid and wheat bran in it, and sat on a chair I dragged into the bathroom. It was well worth the effort.

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Smart thinking 🧡

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May 27Liked by India Flint

Thanks for inviting us along! I'd love that tiny garden...

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May 27Liked by India Flint

What a delightful read and beautiful photos. Thank you India. Also your new dress looks great I can't wait for October. I've been embellishing one of your other models.

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May 27Liked by India Flint

The regents canal walk from Little Venice to the Thames is a 9 mile stroll across London.

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May 27Liked by India Flint


And the gardens around this very old church in the center of Hampstead has peaceful gardens all around and across the way a small cemetery too.

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May 27Liked by India Flint

Most of the places I used to linger in were in north London around the Heath which is in itself provides hours of rambling. Off the top of my head and digging deep into memory, there is a small corner of the Heath called The Vale of Health which I used to fantasize about living in. And nearby is an enclosed garden behind the Wells Tavern called Gainsborough Gardens. And if you like cemeteries, the one in Highgate is worth a visit. As I dredge up more memories I will share them. 💜

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Oh yes, Highgate is lovely, isn’t it? I remember wandering the Heath (about ten years ago) and finding adorable little fenced patches in it. Will look for Gainsborough Gardens on my next visit, thank you !

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May 27Liked by India Flint

I lived in London for 14 years and took such delight in happening upon secret paths and gardens or overgrown stony corner.

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I’d love to hear about other gardens that you know of, Michelle 💚

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I somehow didn't realize that you were in London for two whole days and I could have taken you for a cup of tea or chai. I'm sorry I didn't get in touch! But I am very grateful to you for highlighting this garden and I very much hope it can be saved. Huge hugs to you for your beautiful way of writing everything.

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Bless. I was mostly in need of quiet thinking time but perhaps we can catch up next year 🌸

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I know just what you mean! When I was on the road playing music full time, time to myself spent wandering, observing, and writing was extra special. Huge hugs to you always! I'm looking forward to seeing your new dress design with many pockets to hold treasures.

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Lovely trompings in the rain and including lashings of mushy peas is quite the icing on the cake to the story for me. They’re a Christmas table staple in my family…..a tradition that goes back to my Carey family heritage I’ve been told….such a treat and so easy to make!!💖 and good for you into the bargain 🙌

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🧡🧡 I need to try and source some of the appropriate peas here. We Latvians have a special kind of “grey pea” (pelēkie zirnīši) that is a Christmas staple too, but prepared with fried onions and smoked pork. Those peas are tricky to find in Australia also.

Oddly enough , this Shetland food site has an excellent recipe for them.


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